There are lots of Out of Bound exceptions, the dump. If you have a rooted Android phone, you can try my other project Riru-Il2CppDumper, it can bypass almost all protections. py (older version) And i try put the script. On many occasions, you’ll end up looking at a line like this in IDA’s pseudocode: Ida pro or ghidra to find the functions you want. It will do its thing, then you will have 2 new files in the directory of the Il2CppDumper. dll), và chọn file “il2cpp_data\Metadata\global-metadata. json to IDA on File>Script File it wont work. Luckily, if found the awesome projects Perfare/Il2CppDumper and djkaty/Il2CppInspector. Make sure you input the correct Unity version. py (they are actually in the base directory and don’t get generated).
If you use il2cppDumper, it will gen both the IDA/Ghidra script needed and a dummy Assembly-CSharp. Another interesting information given by Il2CppDumper’s assembly is the offset of each static field. Yes figured this out recently, working on something at the moment, but unsure how far it'll get. In this case it was a simple XOR, but some get complex too. Here's a list of applications I'm currently using: - IDA Pro 7. Game has protection against dump, you IDA Pro(other decompilers many work but this is what I'm going to be using for this tutorial) 2.